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Archive for June, 2014

Public Art: Runquist Mural Response

• June 9, 2014

The general premise of the pair of murals in the University of Oregon Knight Library is certainly relevant. They are indeed interpretations of the development of the arts and sciences, and what better place than a public college campus with an emphasis in liberal arts to display such public murals?   In terms of civic […]

Computer and Technology Research

• June 5, 2014

Jones’ primary thesis of the article, “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origin” is about the effect of cultural patterns on the practice of creating. Essentially, she states that cultural patterns are embedded in the creation of material – in this case specifically, computer graphics. She says of cultural patterns: “they may fade or become more evident… […]

if I were an artist…

• June 3, 2014

keywords: dissonance, contrast, fiery, passion, patience

Copyright Culture

• June 1, 2014

The issue of copyright is a complex one. Put simply, Read/Write culture is constrained by copyright, while Read Only culture is complemented by it. Lessig says that the solution to the issue is two-fold: first, artists and creators should embrace their work as being available more freely, while businesses should embrace the opportunity to enable […]

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