“Lucky Girl” –Bridget Potter http://www.guernicamag.com/features/lucky_girl/ Throughout this article, I could not stop reading. I was able to follow her through her journey and see every scene that she set. Potter began by jumping right into her story with only a few short sentences to preface where she was in her life with her job, relationships […]
Archives for February, 2013
Personal Essay Analysis
“Want to be my Boyfriend? Please Define” By: Marguerite Fields http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/04/fashion/04love.html I really enjoyed this essay and how the writer gave a unique perspective on love and dating among young people. It wasn’t the typical heart-warming love story, but a blunt and realistic telling of how the dating world really is from the eyes […]
Personal Essay Analysis
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/13/fashion/modern-love-friends-without-benefits.html?ref=modernlove&_r=0 “Friends Without Benefits” By Hannah Selinger, The New York Times This essay tells the struggle of a girl who was in love with her good friend for many years. Readers are introduced to the author and a snapshot of her life after graduating college. Then the boy is introduced. This structure is very much […]
Essay Analysis (blog assignment)
Three Mothers, One Bond, by Jenniver Hauseman for NY Times. This story brings a very specific and personal insight on the issue of adoption for gay and lesbian couples. If you remove the sentences about background information, it could sound like a diary. It doesn’t sound like a monologue, through anecdotes and scenes the […]
Personal Essay Analysis
Growing up Hard http://www.orionmagazine.org/index.php/articles/article/4937/ I liked how the author developed the theme of the question of violence involved with killing animals for food. The scene of his dad shooting the lamb and the scene with children holding the heads of chicken was a great way to show the reader their attitude towards killing animals. I also […]
Three surgeries later and fitter than a 20-year-old
Stephanie Harris pants into a microphone as 27 undergraduate women from the University of Oregon watch her intently from behind their stationary bikes at the Student Rec Center. She instructs the class to dial up the resistance and to stand on the bikes. “You are an empowered woman,” she says. “You can do this.” A […]
Profile Assignment Revised
For her 24th birthday Ruby Holmes bought herself a skydiving trip. She had previously hiked Mount Kilimanjaro, bungee jumped in South Africa off and kayaked in crocodile infested waters, and this was just one more adventure to add to her list. She wasn’t nervous about the jump. In the plane, she was strapped between […]
Short Feature Assignment
It was a seemingly typical scene for an art opening. Photography hung on the walls, prints and postcards were on sale, hors d’oeuvres and cocktails were laid out, light jazz was playing in the background and art enthusiasts were mingling and showing admiration for the photographers. But one element of the scene didn’t quite […]
Feature Story
Josh Schrock Feature Story Among the businesses on Blair Avenue are a 7-11, an antique store, and a white house with a red roof. This house isn’t a normal house. There is normally a flock of people waiting on the front stoop of the house. A rich smoky aroma emanates from its doors […]
Profile Story, Barbara Walraet
Entering a local Eugene bakery in a rush, she takes a quick look at the pastries. Nothing tempts her. She is short, her curly brown hair waves in the air. She takes a mug of coffee and joins the table. She is wearing an elegant long black coat with a beautiful red scarf that gives […]