Center For Disease Control Zombie Awareness Campaign
10 Dec 2013

Educators Website

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The “zombie preparedness campaign” is a public awareness campaign chosen as a way to continue to reach and engage a wide variety of audiences on disaster preparedness via the popular subject of Zombie Preparedness. The topics covered are general enough that they apply to many possible emergency situations in the future such as earthquake, terrorist attacks, zombies, hurricanes or pandemics of any disease actually happen. The zombie apocalypse was used because of its definition as a human corpse mysteriously reanimated to serve the undead. Through ancient voodoo and folk-lore traditions, shows like the Walking Dead were born.

The educator’s website was designed as part of the campaign to teach preparedness in the classroom using fully planned lessons and activities which will be easy for the students to adapt to and associate with.

The educational website was used as part of the preparedness for the Zombie pandemic using   Situational theory. Acknowledging that not all stakeholders communicate equally with an organization the idea behind the website is to identify a student audience and determine whether they are active or passive so they know which groups need more attention. The three variables of the theory are;

  • Problem recognition which were there educators website recognizes that in the past there have been various forms of emergency situations that people have not been prepared enough to face the number therefore many do not know what to do in situations like that.
  • Also, constraint recognition featured in the acknowledging that in situations such as earthquake, terrorist attacks, zombies and hurricanes, affected communities and individuals are faced with the lack of rescue facilities and in some cases lack of proper knowledge of assembly point and points to access medical aids.
  • Then level of involvement by students in the preparedness. Through the website, students were assigned a previous hazardous event that they were to research and present a brief overview and discussion on preparedness.·

The educator’s preparedness campaign was very useful and successful since it really achieved the purpose for the campaign. Slogans such as “better safe than sorry” and “never fear”  really helped the audience especially the students to associate with the message and  accept it also helped the audience to equip themselves, come up with an emergency plan  and an assembly point in case of an emergency .


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