Assignment 3 – The World at Ground Level Photo Journal


All the photos in this series were taken at ground level.  The goal was to show a world that is usually overlooked and yet has a beauty all its own.
Fence HookThe unused fence hook stands all over the barren concrete plain.  Patches of moss cling to the ground in the shade of the high stone wall.  This photo was taken on my walk by Hayward Field, on my way to meet a friend for lunch.


Near the entrance to a storm drain, where all debris is usually swept down into the depths, a lone weed clings to life.  This precarious position right off the sidewalk’s curb adds another level of danger to this plant’s life.  This picture was taken near the EMU on my way to class.

Rocky PathThe stone path through the lines of bushes acts like a highway for wildlife and a riverway when it is wet. A convenient way to trave if it is dry, treacherous if it is wet.  This was taken near the Valley River Inn on my way to work on Friday.

SprinklerAn alien entity rises from the ground amongst the wilds of nature.  The sprinkler head acts as a source of life during the dry months in  Eugene.  This was taken at the entrance of the Valley River Center right before my shift.

WeedsLush weeds spring to life behind my parking spot downtown.  Imagine walking through this forest having these alien looking plants loom over your miniature form.