Story Pitch Subject: I want to write a story on Bob Walling and Babu Shoes Theme: I would like to shed a light on the process of shoemaking and the local man who is taking on apprentices to spread his…

A Day Without Glasses – Revised Without my glasses, I cant see. People who try on my glasses comment on how blind I am, yet they don’t know what it’s like to look through my eyes. Follow me on…

As a Product Design major there are times that I feel a little out of my depth in this class.  I do not come from the Journalism background like many students in the class and therefore do not have the…

Assignment 4 - Video Blog

   Dumpstering Video Dumpstering Script   Linnea Haas Chelsie Heberling Maddy Kirby Chris Lau   0:00 – Black screen, enter natural sound effects of cranking dumpster 0:04 – Continue natural sound effects of cranking dumpster, enter video footage of Charli…

Assignment 3 - The World at Ground Level Photo Journal

  All the photos in this series were taken at ground level.  The goal was to show a world that is usually overlooked and yet has a beauty all its own. The unused fence hook stands all over the barren…

Assignment 1 - Autobiography

I was born against incredible odds.  There wasn’t any complications during my birth, I was a healthy eight pound baby boy.  The incredible odds I talk about are the way my parents met.  My father grew up in Hawaii and…

I think it works now.

How do I order the posts so that the newest is on top?

This is a Test. Where is the timestamp?  

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