Our Code
We ask all participants to maintain an awareness of their own conduct and interaction with others at all times. We also ask that all conference participants maintain an awareness of the conduct of others and, where this is violating this code, to alert conference staff in order to promptly address the situation.
Attendees must follow all COVID-19 regulations in place at the time of the conference.
Conference participants should treat each other with respect to create a collegial, inclusive, and professional atmosphere and should refrain from using insulting, harassing or otherwise offensive language in their interactions. Disruptive, harassing or inappropriate behavior is unacceptable. Harassment of any kind including, but not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, and other verbal or physical harassment will not be tolerated.
If a participant engages in behavior which contravenes this code, the conference organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender, a request for private or public apologies, discharge from the conference without refund or restrictions on future ISMSC invitations and attendance.
If you are affected by a breach of this code, notice that someone else is breaching this code, or have any other concerns, please contact the conference co-organizers (Prof. Darren Johnson, email: dwj@uoregon.edu; Prof. Kate Jolliffe, email: kate.jolliffe@sydney.edu.au; Prof. Michael Haley, email: haley@uoregon.edu) or a member of the organizing committee promptly. Any complaint will be investigated confidentially, fairly and discreetly.