
Requirements for Undergraduate students:    (percentage of final grade)
*  Attendance and class participation alongwith weekly discussions at the beginning of the next class about insights gained into Indian society from the film we watch each week.  15%
*  Two 3-5 page double-spaced essays submitted in Canvas exploring sociocultural issues presented in any two films viewed. The essays should
draw upon readings and class discussion as relevant and is due at the beginning of the class after the film being written about is screened.  Rubric is linked here.   25% each
*  8-10-page research paper, due one week after the last day of class, on Tuesday December 6 at 5 pm, via Canvas. The paper is to explore any social issue which was raised in a segment of this course. Look at its social origin, and then focus on the way in which this issue is in flux in India today. There are a number of books recommended throughout the syllabus “for further reading.” Rubric is linked here.  35%


I am happy to meet with students who would like some extra guidance on deciding upon and then researching your paper topic. In addition, you can contact Miriam Rigby <>, the International Studies/Global Studies librarian, for research tips.

All students need to confirm the topic of your term paper by Week 6. While you can begin researching and writing the term paper at any time — and submit it whenever you would like — the absolute deadline for turning it in is Tuesday December 6th at 5 pm.


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