Where did the time go?


I turned 23 this week and, despite the lack of Taylor Swift songs to summarize my experiences, it’s been a good week. Of course, as Murphy’s law dictates, I had a midterm, on Wednesday evening, which cut my plans to have a pint with every meal short.

Surprisingly though, it was not my birthday that distracted me the most. It was a game called Agar. Here’s a link to it, if you wanted to wonder where a few hours of your life just went: http://agar.io/.

The premise of the game is that you are a dot, and you grow bigger by eating other dots, or other players. That’s it. Oh, and there is a leader board. Now, for the life of me I don’t know why I wanted to be on the top of that leader board so badly. That freaking leader board has been the bane of my existence.

I think it’s my ego that is to blame. You see, you can name your little blob. Be warned though, you can literally name it anything, so the game is a minefield of racial slurs, and inflammatory language. That’s another problem, I couldn’t play the game in public for fear that someone would just see me staring at a huge dot on the screen emblazoned with, “NAZI”; them not realizing my own smaller dot was locked in a life or death struggle to get away.

But I digress, I really just wanted to see my name at the top of that leader board. And the longer I played, and the closer I got, the more invested I became. So I retreated to my room and this festering sore of an obsession grew. Of course, I am exaggerating, creative license is a blessing, but I was like a meth addict, and the key to Walter White’s lab was sitting at the top spot.

Most ironic of all, when I eventually consumed the player, “Go Study,” (I’m not joking, that was their name), I took the top spot. And that was it. I just kind of looked around my room at 3 in the morning and decided I should probably go drink some water.

In terms of hours spent, versus pay off, it was kind of like someone in a wheel chair entering a raffle then winning a treadmill. Now that example is extreme but you get the point.

I could of course analyse the game’s dynamics, the greed of it, the need for caution and risk, the parallels with consumerism. But really, it was just a stupid game, and I didn’t really have that much fun playing it, but not every distraction has a purpose. Still though, I wish I could become obsessed with my history homework for once. So I guess if you felt that reading this was a waste of time then that’s a little fitting.


2 thoughts on “Where did the time go?

  1. Amy

    I want to believe that mindless games have some cognitive benefit and that we can learn something about motivation, focus, skills mastery from them (at least some of them). But I’ve seen far too many people almost run into poles while playing Flappy Bird to go on thinking that touch screens are a beneficial adaptation for the human species.

    • cmaccarv@uoregon.edu

      Haha I don’t think it’s touch screens that are the problem, I’m sure that plenty of people ran into poles playing Snake on their Nokia bricks!

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