Mayor McArdle addressing design charrette participants
City Manager Clyne addressing student researchers
Collaborative design
10:00am-3:30pm, Saturday, 7 November 2015
Independence City Hall
10:00-10:25 Introductions – Mayor John McArdle and City Manager David Clyne
10:25-10:50 Objectives – Angela Lazarean, Tom Hogue, Community Development Director Michael Danko and Economic Development Director Shawn Irvine, Ric Stephens
10:50-11:00 Break
11:00-12:00 Site Visit – City Staff and/or Local Representatives
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:00 Charrette Organization – Research Team
1:00-1:50 Planning & Design – Citizens, city officials, professionals and students
1:50-2:00 Break
2:00-2:30 Group Presentations
2:30-3:00 Design Refinement
3:00-3:30 Group Presentations
3:30 Closing Remarks & Next Steps – City Manager David Clyne, Mayor John McArdle, Ric Stephens
Aaron Roberts, Alec Wright, Alexis Engelbrecht, Allison Sweeney, Arturo Castro, Cassidy DeBlois, Chloe Bosnar, Chris Mulverhill, Communitas Urban Planner Deb Meihoff, Community Development Director Michael Danko, Cooper Ashworth, Corum Ketchum, Councilor Forrest Peck, Councilor Jerry Hoffman, Councilor Nancy Lodge, Councilor Tom Takacs, Danny Maretz, Danton Wang, Economic Development Director Shawn Irvine, Emily Vincent, Emma Porricolo, Eric Mongan, Eric Mullen, Erik Jung, Francisco Toledo, Graduate Teaching Fellow Tyce Herrman, Hannah Greenberg, Indigo Larson, Jack Furlong, Jesse Stahl, Jordan Morales, Kaitlin Loomis, Kaley McCarty, Karla Cifuentes, Kat Boardman, Kathy Ketchum, Kelly Odion, Kristen DeLaRosa, Lea Kingsley, Logan Brown, Marcus McArdle, Matt Stephens, Matt Zhun, Max Kelner, Mayor John McArdle, Nick Jaindl, Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development Economic Development Policy Analyst Tom Hogue, Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development Regional Representative Angela Lazarean, Patrick Miller, Patty Nevue, Pedro Roberto C. Araujo, Petra Vela, Photographer June Stephens, Professor Shanxun Wu, Professor Shengnan Lai, Rachel Grant, Rachel Moeller, Roslyn Braun, Seamus Yeo, Sierra Westlake, University of Oregon Instructor Ric Stephens, Zoe Newland
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