How to Make the Most Out of Office Hours

As a first-generation college student, especially if you are just starting college, the uncertainty about all the new systems you are navigating can be exhausting.  One thing that can be especially confusing to navigate is office hours.

Visiting office hours can be scary, but it important to get into the habit of attending office hours each term.

Following are some tips that might be helpful as you plan to visit your instructors:

  • You do not need to have a specific question to attend office hours. It is OK just to stop by and say hello.
  • If you are intimidated by office hours, it may help to pair up with someone else and go together.
  • If an instructor’s office hours are always during a time when you are working/have other responsibilities you cannot miss – reach out to your instructor, you can almost always set something up outside of the scheduled time.
  • Get past the idea that visiting office hours are a bother or an interruption to instructors. Remember, office hours are special times specifically set aside BY the instructor FOR
  • Office hours are a great way to let your instructor know you are interested in learning and value their course.
  • Office hours build a personal connection with instructors for future mentorship opportunities, possible letters of recommendation, and are a way to gain insight into the practical aspects of a major and how it relates to further schooling or a career.
  • Instructors are often experts in their field and if your share your personal and career goals with them they may be able to really help you with logical steps to take towards those goals – job shadowing with a colleague they know, internship options.
  • Some specific tasks you might visit office hours for include, going over math or science problem sets, clarifying project expectations, reviewing test answers you missed, or improving essays drafts, reviewing a study guide to ensure you are clear on concepts, asking questions about the syllabus, upcoming assignments, and due dates, etc.
  • Instructors are a campus resource, and it is worthwhile to use as many useful campus resources as you can.
  • Do not let one disappointing experience with office hours prevent you from trying again.

These strategies do not change with the pandemic – office hours can be just as helpful in the virtual world, so do not put off using office hours while we are operating remotely.

Remember, there are advisors across campus who would love to help you plan to visit office hours.  Sometimes it helps to talk through navigating visiting an instructor beforehand with a trusted friend, mentor, or advisor so you feel more comfortable.

Written by: Tara Parrillo, Director, TRIO Student Support Services

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