In the most recent lecture for Environmental Literature, we took a look at a commercial for Sun Maid Raisins and how the company sells the product and how the environments in the commercial are depicted.
We went over this commercial as a class about how parts of the environment are depicted in the advertisement. There were phrases about how Hollywood is presented as an Edenic place where everyone is fit and healthy (likely not to be the case in reality). Beyond the Hollywood Hills, there is a pastoral landscape and in that area are grape vineyards where raisins are “naturally” made with sun and grapes without labor (hence the use of pastoral). However, the advertising does not take into account what goes on behind the scenes and there was even a parody of the Sun Maid Raisins packaging titled “Sun Mad Raisins”.The picture shows, essentially, the opposite of what the original packaging suggests. We discussed how the raisins are not made with just sun and grapes; there are a lot of other factors that go into the production of their raisins such as the labor of the workers, the processing in the factory and, as was also mentioned in class, the pesticides that were used on the grapes, which is also discussed in Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring and Helena Maria Viramontes’s Under the Feet of Jesus.