Remix discussion

At first I was confused when Lessig mentioned that he believed that there are two differing cultures, my confusion came from the fact that both cultures incorporate professionals. While I accept that a certain level of professionalism is necessary for the cultures to be beneficial and successful, I would think that two cultures would want to be as different as possible. The first culture “speaks of professionalism” (Lessig 84) and requires authority and integrity, while the other culture believes in empowering common citizens while still having a form of authority that is capable of answering audience member’s questions. After reading further into the differences between the cultures, I realize that both forms of cultures are necessary but that the second form of culture that is fueled by amateurs as well as professionals is more important for the creative process.

Lessig, L. (2008). Comparing Cultures. Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy (pp. 84-116). New York: Penguin Press HC, The.

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