Life values assessment


  1. Health
  2. Family
  3. Friendship
  4. Enjoyment
  5. Wisdom
  6. Loyalty
  7. Location
  8. Leadership
  9. Personal accomplishment
  10. Personal development
  11. Wealth
  12. Security
  13. Expertness
  14. Power
  15. Community
  16. Prestige
  17. Integrity
  18. Creativity
  19. Independence
  20. Service


2. My life and the way I choose to live my life is strongly influenced by the values that I have deemed worthy; such as, health, family, friendship, enjoyment and wisdom. I acknowledge that there is a chance that some or all of these values have been introduced to me either from my parents or society as being important, but ultimately I have made the decision to adhere to these values as my life progressed. An example of me continuing values throughout my life would be the fact that I have continued my education in an attempt to further my knowledge, this is my way of furthering myself rather than through religion due to me not being religious as discussed in the definition of wisdom through the prioritizing life values website. I have made the decision to continue my education even beyond the years when my parents controlled whether I attend school or not.

My family being such a large part of my life as shown by their placement on my values list does mean that I enjoy spending large amounts of time with my family, in fact I currently live with my twin sister and in the same town as my brother and visit my parents often. My parents taught me the importance of my own personal health, my mother specifically got my sister and I involved in running daily and keeping track of our food intake. Both of my parents instilled in me the value of enjoyment and loving what you do, they believe that a person’s best work is done when they enjoy their work. Although I still place this high in my values list I acknowledge that through my undergraduate work in the Human Physiology degree I will have to complete classes and tasks that I will not enjoy, therefore this value may not be completely valid. A goal that I have for myself that I have yet to fully pursue is to do a summer internship in South Africa working in medical clinics, I have not acted completely on this goal because I am afraid of trying hard and wanting it and not getting the internship also being away from my sister and family would be challenging.

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