RDT (Repertory Dance Theatre) seems pretty extensive in the media department. They are fully realized when it comes to marketing their product. It seems they have resourced every single option for media connection.
Snail Mail: I am on the mailing list for RDT and receive their print ads that market concert and special events.
Website: They have an extensive website will all of their offerings easily accessible to the user. Drop down menu options include: about the organization; including history, dance classes for the community, outreach education, upcoming events, a for kids section, touring information, and of course, a support option. They have a wide variety of access tools, from lesson plans to workshops.
On their website is front page access to:
Twitter: Updated frequently by dancers and staff
Facebook: contributions by dancers and staff and audience
YouTube: videos of rehearsal processes, community and school outreach involvement, master classes, and performance moments
Vimeo: 24 videos that include; rehearsal process, a thank you note from the dancers, etc.
flickr: photo stream of dancers, rehearsals, and performance
Blog: entries are added about once or twice a week and range in topics from dance and motherhood, to the dictionary of modern dance.
Instagram: numerous photos of RDT through the ages
They have a category on the website named, “Media Press Room” that contains upcoming performance photos and press releases posted as a link. There is also a place to input information for their newsletter subscription.
Also on the home page of the website, is an “Upcoming Events” announcement, with several clickable options detailing the events. This includes a special offers and discounts box next to the season information.
The major sponsors are also listed on the front page. Each icon is a link to the sponsor’s webpage. These icons are as large in size as the material directly related to the company, so it adds to the fact that there is a lot to process when on the home page of the site.