Art in Society 450


Learning Goals Reflection:

1. Strengthen my contextual use and practical use of transmedia.

I now have a firm grasp of what this term means and what it entails. Using transmedia as a tool strengthens discussions and assignments. It creates resources, which always help enrich a conversation or an assignment. As for transmedia as a topic itself, I’m finding how incredibly important and powerful transmedia is. It’s the root of how we communicate currently, and it’s only going to become more digitally and technologically enhanced as time goes on. Ignoring the value of transmedia will only show irrelevance- of an argument, a perspective, a person, etc.

I really appreciated the assignment detail of having to use various transmedia in our fieldguide. This allowed me to think outside of the box on how to support my perspective and approach.

2. Engage in discourse and strengthen analysis of cultural assumptions and cultural contexts.

I have thoroughly enjoyed discussing cultural assumptions and contexts in this course. Cultural contexts are always up for interpretation, but I enjoyed being able to construct culture around any topic using resources and power of argument. I also enjoyed picking a topic for my fieldguide that I personally saw as a culture, and researching and justifying my choice and creating context for the culture. Creating my own “art world” was not only surprisingly fun, but also changed my perspectives as to what I see as an artworld.

3. Openly share and actively contribute to class discussions.

This is an interesting one. I think I still need to work on this…I often don’t share a lot in class, but I do enjoy everyone’s contributions, and I will work on enhancing my own. I tend to be a person who assesses a situation and conversation a lot before I speak, and that is only gaining in intensity the older I get and the more I learn.

4. To increase the practical application of topics discussed in class to real world experiences.

This is something that I’m really appreciating about AAD in general, as well as in this class. There is a large emphasis on the actual “doing” of  the things that we’re studying. It pull us out of the theoretical realm, and into the practical application, which is great. Our fieldguide is a perfect example of this. It was nice to be able to do a culminating project that used the things we talked about in class; from transmedia to creating cultural context. Writing a research paper or something else similar to that activity, would not have been as effective, and would not have allowed the real-world experiences.

5. Understand the implications of transmedia in the arts world.

I think the answer to this question is really similar to the first question. I now have a greater understanding of where our arts communities are headed, and what it takes to move them into the ever-changing future.

6. Develop new perspectives and new lenses to examine issues of common concern.

This ideal has definitely happened. Its hard not to gain new perspectives when you listen to 20 other people share opinions and perspectives. But I also feel like the material we studied allowed discussion of all angles of the subject. We remained neutral and examined the objective and subject as unbiased as possible. This method allowed for true engagement.


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