Congratulations Madeleine !

Madeleine Griffin successfully defended her master’s thesis, titled Part C Procedural Safeguards – Assessing the Written Quality, Readability, and Availability to All Caregivers in Early Intervention! The committee was impressed with the significance of Madeleine’s study, the rigor of her methods, and the professionalism of her written thesis. Please join us in congratulating Madeleine for […]

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Congratulations Anayaset!

Please join us in congratulating Anayaset Sandino for successfully passing her master’s thesis oral presentation on May 16th, 2023 titled Dual Language Factors and their Associations with Language and Literacy in School-Age Children! The committee was impressed with Anayaset’s presentation and for examining an understudied group of children within bilingual research. We are very proud […]

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¡Felicidades Za’Nya!

¡El Laboratorio EDLD desea felicitar a nuestro estudiante de pregrado, Za’Nya Lyons, que recientemente recibió la Beca de Aprendizaje Experiencial de Estudios Latinos de la UO! Esta beca ofrece una oportunidad remunerada para trabajar en un proyecto de investigación supervisado en cualquier disciplina relacionada con los Estudios Latinos. Za’Nya está investigando cómo los niños en […]

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Congratulations, Za’Nya!

The EDLD Lab would like to congratulate our undergraduate student, Za’Nya Lyons who was recently awarded UO’s Latinx Studies Experiential Learning Fellowship! This fellowship provides a paid opportunity to work on a supervised research project in any discipline related to Latinx Studies. Za’Nya is researching how preschool-aged children from Spanish-speaking homes code-switch between Spanish and […]

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