Edith Gonzalez

Nov 21

So in our 8th class we had to sit with our assigned teams and conquer a scavenger hunt that had 7 stops. Some stops were where we could go to get answers to questions, one that taught us about the honors program, one that taught us about free tutoring and so forth. At every stop we had to take down something that we learned and also take a selfie picture and post it to our social media as proof. What really stood out for me about this class was learning about the honors program because I think I am interested in that for when the time comes that I will be an upperclassmen, although right now that seems so far away. I’ll be making sure to apply what I learned to my studies so I can stay on track for being able to apply to the program next winter. I think what also really made this class special for me was that my group had the opportunity to meet U of O’s president and vice president.

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