Edith Gonzalez

Oct 21

Week three in BBL we first started off by listening to a video called “I love my ducks (return of the quack) supwitchugirl” thanks to Jen in an attempt to pump us up for our group projects. It was more amusing than anything but none than less, I like starting class off with a silly joke. First we were all put into groups and had to pick a project that we wanted. The list goes: Project 1: coordinate math study groups for BBL participants, Project 2: coordinate BA 101 study groups for the CBRC, Project 3: execute an awareness campaign for winter BBL seminar, Project 4: execute an awareness campaign of “stereotype threat” for Sheldon Hall, Project 5: present and introduce to the CICC of the BBL program, its purpose, mission and values with the goal of forming a long term strategic partnership between CEO Network and CICC, Project 6: picking our own group project. We had to present a quick presentation and reason as to why our group was deserving of which project we wanted. Brainstorming what to present was where I felt the most engaged. We only had to go up against one other group but we got our first choice in project which was project 5! I was engaged  the least during the presentation of our group because I just sat back and someone else in my group presented. I do not like public presentations so I know that this project will help me overcome that issue at least a little bit and I’m excited for that because I believe it’s important to face your fears and overcome your weaknesses.

1 comment so far

  1. Jennifer
    9:45 pm - 10-23-2014

    I am glad you liked getting pumped up in the beginning. It’s my goal each class to have engagement so I will be trying out other things to reach that. Now that I know an area of opportunity for you, I am going to push you to work on that during our group work. Great post this week, Edith. Work on the outcome of what you learned in class as your reflection.

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