Category: 1 Light Modulation

Screen Experiments 0

Screen Experiments

Using point and curve attractors, I created a few example of screening elements which I hope to use in concert with paneling to develop a compelling lantern.


Light Modulation part II

The images I have here are of both digital and physical models. The physical model is made of a thick paper, similar to construction paper to allow for maximum light reflection and minimum transparency. This model represents a more realistic (what a surprise) representation of light on the...


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Week 2 – Light Modulation Images

As physical studies of using a singular folding form, and organizing it various patterns, each of these were a play on light and shadow across the paper form.  The first is an alternating organization, flipping the shape vertically and placing each adjacent to the next.  The second is...

Failed yet meaningful experiment 0

Failed yet meaningful experiment

I played with the 3d motif in the example file and continue with my own 2d motif for 2d paneling. The repetition of the geometry create a lovely pattern that reminds me of dragon scales, so I decided to make it into a physical model. My initial idea...