Nataly’s Impact: Coordinating Community Engagement at the University of Oregon Athletics

Read about Nataly’s LEI experience in this blog post.

Pronouns: She/Her
Major: Political Science and Business Administration
Minor: Legal Studies & Economics w/concentration in Marketing
Year: Junior
Internship: Coordinator of Community Engagement, UO Athletics

What was your internship title and organization, and what were your responsibilities?

I was an intern for the University of Oregon Athletic Program. Through this internship, I was the (first-ever) Sports Administration intern for the universities’ athletic program! My role throughout this internship was to enhance the department’s climate and culture. Through this internship, I had the opportunity to oversee the operations of BEOREGON which is our call for action for all ducks to be their most authentic selves. With this, we strive to provide a voice and support action for inclusivity and connecting everyone!

What attracted you to the LEI program?

As I entered my junior year, I sought opportunities to expand my network and gain real-world experience through internships and mentorships to advance my future career. While exploring the offerings at the University of Oregon, I was particularly drawn to the LEI program. This program is designed to provide underrepresented students with access to crucial professional development resources. My chosen career path already lacks significant female representation, and as a Hispanic individual, I face additional challenges due to even greater underrepresentation. Participating in this program not only seemed like the ideal opportunity to grow professionally but also to help challenge and change these statistics.

Nataly is pictured with her site supervisor, Da’mon Merkerson (left), and other student workers tabling for the BEOREGON initiative.
How did your internship relate to your professional/academic/personal goals and/or values?

Applying for the role with UO Athletics was a step outside of my comfort zone. I had the option to choose between two internship opportunities: one that aligned more closely with my career path and this UO Athletics position. After consulting with my future mentor, I realized that the UO Athletics internship was the right choice for my personal and professional growth. This internship allowed me to develop in numerous ways. I gained valuable experience in public speaking, Microsoft Excel, and organizing and participating in large events for UO Athletics. Embracing this challenge proved to be immensely rewarding. This experience taught me that passion for your work leads to success. Stepping out of my comfort zone and trying something new has not only benefited my professional career but also contributed to my personal growth.

What expectations/assumptions did you have about the experience that was different/proven wrong?

Upon assuming this role, I initially expected to assist my supervisor and mentor with their daily tasks. However, this assumption was quickly proven incorrect. During my internship, I had the opportunity to oversee a BEOREGON initiative. This experience allowed me to engage with numerous student-athletes and gain valuable insights into their lives.

Also, I was able to focus on the culture and climate within the UO Athletics department and on the student-athletes’ perspectives. This comprehensive approach provided a deeper understanding of the work environment and the unique challenges faced by student-athletes.

How has this internship set you up for success? What knowledge and skills did you learn that you can use in the future/other jobs?

This internship has afforded me numerous opportunities, skills, and valuable lessons that will contribute to my success. It has enabled me to develop my academic abilities and self-confidence. I learned that by putting forth my best effort and believing in my work, there is no need for self-doubt; the quality of the work will speak for itself. This experience will undoubtedly benefit me in the future, both in my professional endeavors and when I take on the role of a mentor.

What potential career paths has the internship opened your mind to? Has your internship influenced your future goals/direction and if so, how? 

I have always aspired to be an attorney, but as I entered my junior year, I began to question whether this was still my goal. During my internship, I initially struggled to connect my aspirations with the work I was doing. However, after many discussions with my mentor, Da’mon Merkerson, he encouraged me to think outside the box and not follow the conventional path simply because it was available.

Together, we explored various ways to continue my journey in law, specifically through the realm of sports. Midway through my internship, I realized that corporate law no longer interested me. With this internship opportunity and my mentor, I decided that I want to pursue a career in sports law, where I will represent athletes and teams in contract negotiations and other legal matters.

Outside view of Nataly’s Internship site, the UO Athletic Department.
What advice would you give to students interested in the LEI program? What should they know before applying? 

My advice to anyone interested in applying for the LEI program is to fully commit to the experience. The more effort you invest, the more you will gain. Throughout this internship, we had cohort meetings that were always enjoyable and engaging, filled with laughter and camaraderie. Through this program, I not only found colleagues but also made lasting friendships.

Before applying for this internship, understand that the work you will be doing has a purpose. You will be contributing to your own personal growth and making a meaningful impact in your chosen field.

UO football’s exclusive equipment room

Did participating in the LEI program impacted your experience at UO? If so, how? 

My internship at Autzen Stadium provided me with exclusive access to areas and experiences typically reserved for student-athletes. This opportunity broadened my perspective and enriched my overall experience at the University of Oregon. The unique insights gained from this internship have given me a distinctive viewpoint when discussing my time at the university.

Get an exclusive look into Nataly’s Internship as she gives a tour of the facility from her internship.