Lauren’s Journey: Behind the Scenes at Friends of Buford Park & Mt. Pisgah

Read about Lauren’s LEI experience in this blog post.

Name: Lauren Kwasny (she/they)
Major:  Communication Disorders and Sciences
Minor: Spanish and Psychology
Year: Junior
Internship: Outreach & Communications Intern, Friends of Buford Park & Mt. Pisgah

What was your internship title and organization, and what were your responsibilities?

My internship title was the Communications and Outreach Intern for Friends of Buford Park and Mt. Pisgah. My responsibilities were to collect photos from different events and work parties, create graphic designs, draft descriptions for posts, and assist in volunteer and membership outreach. Projects included promotions for Nursery work parties, the Spring Native Plant Sale, and a Trail Profiles social media post series. 

What attracted you to the LEI program?

What attracted me most to this program is that it is through the Division of Equity and Inclusion which meant having an opportunity tailored to people of diverse backgrounds. I was attracted to the fact it was a leadership enrichment-focused internship which meant I could better a skill that is beneficial to me in my personal and professional life. Being in a cohort program meant getting to know people who were in the other internship opportunities and hearing about their experiences. This made connecting that much easier in our weekly meetings. 

Lauren with her supervisor, Jared Tarr, at the internship site.
What did you like most about the program? What have you found to be most valuable?

What I value most about this program is how individualized it is to have it be an experience that is tailored to you and your goals. During my application process, I went back and forth about which intern site was best for me it was reassuring that the internship coordinator could refer you to a different site that they felt would benefit you more. Going to an information session was also helpful to hear from a past intern about her experience with the LEI program and ask any specific questions. 

What were the cohort meetings and workshops like? What did you enjoy/dislike? 

The cohort meetings and workshops were bonding experiences with my cohort members, and resources for leadership development. I enjoy how discussions and activities allowed us to get to know each other better and acknowledge our strengths. I truly enjoyed the bonding we did as a group which resulted in an environment and group that supported each other in and outside the cohort meetings. I got to befriend a group of genuinely kind, intelligent, and hardworking individuals that are now proudly in my network. 

How has this internship set you up for success? What knowledge and skills did you learn that you can use in the future/other jobs?

My internship experience has set me up for greater success in my composure and the organization within a workplace. My communication with the public has improved, which will be helpful in my future in options such as opening a private practice, working in a school system, or doing in-home visits. I have learned how to better cooperate and communicate with coworkers, especially in utilizing my sources of information. I feel I have gained insight into what it means to be valued and respected in a workplace which is crucial knowledge when identifying a work culture that truly benefits you. 

What potential career paths has the internship opened your mind to? Has your internship influenced your future goals/direction and if so, how? 

My career goals have remained the same in speech pathology. I do have a greater understanding of how to navigate communicating to the public and with coworkers which is beneficial to cultivate a good work environment. I gained further skills in graphic design which benefited my previous interests. My communication skills electronically and in-person with the public have improved through exposure and independent work done on projects. 

What advice would you give to students interested in the LEI program? What should they know before applying? 

In applying for this program, it is important to know what internship sites and positions are available and how those align with your goals. Even if an internship doesn’t align exactly with your major, there are still skills that can be gained regardless of the position you are applying for. Something I really appreciated about the program is that it is tailored to you so you can mold the program to fit your goals in the position. The program coordinator, Ruth, is an amazing person so I encourage students to go to an information session to get a chance to hear more about the program and ask any questions. 

A walk path at Lauren’s internship site.

Has participating in the LEI program impacted/impact your experience at UO? If so, how? 

Being a part of this program has provided me with opportunities to connect with individuals who are both different and similar to myself. By attending meetings and workshops together we were able to learn more about our leadership capabilities and gained valuable professional skills. The workshops and meeting together as a cohort group meant learning about others in my cohort and building unexpected connections. This is beneficial both professionally and personally since I valued all members of the cohort and felt we did well to support each other. 

What did you like to do outside of your classes and internship? What are you passionate about? 

I enjoy rock climbing and getting outside when it’s nice out. On a rainy day, I enjoy watching Studio Ghibli movies. I am passionate about early education and providing a nurturing environment for children to grow socially, emotionally, and cognitively in their language development. I recently accepted a job at the Eugene Science Center as a Summer Educator for their summer camp which I am very eager to start!