Art, Games, and Technology Research

The primary thesis of  “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins, ” is on page t21. It says, “I hope to establish the relation of specific image, object, event or environment to conceptual frames. These frames exist within art and technology and are present in other forms of symbolic and material culture.” This is an example of the combination between art and technology is computer graphics. A historical example that shows an illustration of her thesis is on page 22. It says, “In the 1940’s analogue computers were used to generate the earliest computer graphics and display them on oscilloscopes. Ben F. Lapofsky and Herbert W. Franke were among the pioneers creating these images. Franke’s graphics were phase forms, presented as events rather than as static imagery. His work continues to explore similar forms. An early version of a plotting device was the Henry drawing computer, a modified analog computer designed by D. P. Henry that produced drawings by a combination of pen movements and table movements.” A good example of her thesis today would be in video games. Art and technology have been incorporated a long time, but more recently it is seen through video games. hundreds of millions of people play video games everyday and get to witness the combination of art and technology and how it has changed in the years.

Microbial Videogames

I found this audio presentation very interesting. Playing with life organisms is very cool and different. I clicked on the article and watched the footage of the actual gameplay of the game. It is very basic with pac man like dots around the screen. You basically guide a host of paramecia around obstacles and targets. The four-button controller shifts a weak electrical field, which the paramecia are attracted to. My only question about this idea is how receptive the consumers will be to eventually buy this type of game. I feel like it is very basic and wouldn’t attract that many people. It is a cool idea, but I don’t think it will draw that many people with the video game technology we have today. People would rather have someone create a good virtual reality game instead.