- Examine their own and others values and paradigms of ownership and authorship of cultural media.
Original Post:
I believe that copyright could be dangerous in the future. With Youtube as one of the most popular websites in the world, where a person can post a video of whatever they want. There are many channels that have millions of subscribers that post parody’s or remixes of other artists’s songs. I believe this to be really creative and not copyright at all. I also think that when you use someone else song over a video you created to not be copyright also. I feel as that would put many limitations on making a creative montage. When I agree copyright should come to play is if you want to use a producers beat for your own lyrics you made. You need to get permission from the producer or artist to do that and give them some royalties. Many artists do this all the time and put the songs on mixtapes for free for the public to have. I find remixed songs really creative and sometimes better than the original. Here’s an example: This is the original, and this is the remix. Here is an example of a creative parody. I really like this quote from the reading, it says, “But anyone who thinks remixes or mash ups are neither original or creative has very little idea about how they are made or what makes them great. It takes extraordinary knowledge about a culture to remix it well. The artist or student training to do it well learns far more about his past than one committed to this view about original creativity. And perhaps more important, the audience is constantly looking for more as the audience reads what the remixer has written”(93). The only role copyright plays is to protect people from other people using their creation to make money from it. The way they should address this issue is to not make it apply to people trying to make their own creative videos on youtube. If with fair judgement people are doing their fair share of original content, then they should be fine. Like I said earlier, if artists are remixing songs to distribute to people, then they should get permission. I believe copyrights should be limited and have different restrictions for websites like Youtube.
I believe that if people take their own creative spin of something others created than that is fine. I’m going to be discussing the issues of copyright and how people view for my objective. My view is if people are doing a parody of someone else’s creation than they are fine. But, if people want to use someones song for something, than they need to ask permission. But if it’s for a montage or background noise for something else, or just something small in a video, then I think that is fine. If people want to remix someones else’s song, then they need to give the artists who originally created it some royalties. Here is a video from a channel that has almost 2 million subscribers on his view when Youtube rained down and flagged lots of videos for copyright issues.
Future Goals:
In the future, I hope people and companies realize that creative forms like parodies or doing things with video games is not copyright. A lot of stuff people come up with is original and creative. It will be interesting to see what’s going to happen in the future with the way technology is rapidly advancing.