Is food art?

I believe food is art if it’s meant to be looked at or listened with intensity. So it depends on whether the creators intentions is to make it a work of art or not. I believe that all chefs who make food have the intent of displaying their food to the customer as art. Each time they make food and give it to a customer, it has their name on it and is their creation. They will do their best on every dish to make it taste the best and look good each time it is given to a customer. Here is a quote, “If dishes of foods are works of art, then food is an art form. It would be implausible to maintain that food and drink never constitute works of art in the classifying sense. People sometimes treat them as works of art, and i have argued that we can compare the creator of a recipe to a composer, and the cook who follows one to a performer”(21). As long as creator and follow have the intention of making the food art, then it is a work of art. The theory of art that best represents my view of food as an art is postmodernism. It says “Rather than assuming that art reflects a unique and privileged kind of knowledge, postmodernists point out that any truth or reality is only a point of view”(19). It basically says that everybody interprets art according to their own individual and cultural sensibilities. I agree with this and believe that art can be anything you want it to be.

What Is Art For? Essay Assignment

1. Describe the term paleoanthropsychobiological. Who coined this term?

Palaeoanropsychobiological suggests several things. First, that the idea of art encompasses all of human history, second, that it includes all human societies, and third, that it account for the fact that art is a psychological or emotional need and has psychological or emotional effects. The term was coined by Ellen Dissanayake.

2. What does Dissanayake mean by the phrase “making special”? How does it relate to art and to human survival?

What Dissanayake means by the phrase making special is different from the ordinary or everyday. It relates to art as humans want to be unique and different from one another. They want to express themselves. Early sightings of this would be cranial deformation, tooth filing, and tooth decoration.

3. Dissanayake identifies many different theories/movement/periods of art throughout western european history. Name three different theories of art that Dissanayake mentions in her essay. Identify the time period when each theory developed and was prominent. Provide a brief description of the philosophies and ideas that define each theory/movement/period of art. Support your answer with quotes from the reading.

Three different theories of art are pre modernism, modernism, and postmodernism. Pre modernism was prominent during the greek, medieval, renaissance, and 18th century. Medieval art was in the service of religion, renaissance was about man-centered concerns, and the 18th century was the rise of science. Modernism was prominent during the 20th century. It was about that there was a special frame of mind for appreciating works of art. Art became an ideology whose principles were articulated by and for the few who had leisure and education enough to acquire them(18). Postmodernism is now. It is the assumption that interpretation is indispensable to appreciating and even identifying artworks. Rather than assuming that art reflects a unique and privileged kind of knowledge, postmodernists point out that any “truth” or “reality” is only a point of view(19).

What is art for?

When I think about the question: what is art for? I believe that art is used as a form of expressing ones self. Just like Dissanayake, I believe and agree that art is not limited to a group of people but for everyone. “Art is not confined to a small coterie of geniuses, visionaries, cranks, and charlatans-indistinguishable from one another-but is instead a fundamental human species characteristic that demands and deserves to be promoted and nourished”(26). Art is just not limited to painting and pictures, it can also be food. I like how Dissanayake said the phrase making things special. By using that phrase, it doesn’t limit art to a certain group. It shows how anything can be art as you the person decides what you want to make special. “Transforming the ordinary into the exta-ordinary. Looked at this way, art as making the things one cares about special, shaping and elaborating the ordinary to make it more than ordinary, is fundamental to everyone and, as in traditional societies deserves to be acknowledged as normal-to be encouraged and developed”(25). As for me, I could never draw, paint, or do anything that would normally be considered art. What i do as art is to be on the other side of the camera. What I like to do is make clothes seem special and just more than regular clothes. And I do this by modeling clothes through different companies. By doing this I am making the things I care about, which is clothes, and making it special in my own way. “Art is normal and a necessary behavior of human beings that like talking, exercising, playing, working, socializing, learning, loving, and nurturing should be encouraged and developed in everyone”(26).

Life Values Assessment










Personal Accomplishment




Personal Development







My top five values that I have chosen are family, friendship, enjoyment, health, and independence. Starting my day off today, i displayed my independence value. I woke up and got out of bed around 2pm. Being able to act in terms of my own time schedule and priorites is very important to me. I then went and played basketball with my friends for a couple hours at the rec center on campus. This hits my values of friendship, health, and enjoyment. I always try to talk to some of my friends everyday. I also really enjoy playing basketball and play whenever my friends can play. To hit my finally value today, I called my parents and talked to them for a little bit. My family is only a short drive to Portland away, but I still try and talk to them almost every single day. Family is everything to me and that is why it is at the top of my value list. They have done so much for me and are always there for me.

To answer the first questions of belief pattern, I believe I inherited my belief of family over everything. My whole family including grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles is really close. Most of us live within a couple miles from each other. We would always do weekly Sunday dinners where all of us would get together and eat. So this is why I hold my family before everything else. To answer the second question, I do not acknowledge any belief pattern I have to be no longer valid. The goal I have for the future is to finish college this spring term and start my modeling career in Asia. What stands in the way of my goal time, self motivation to eat better and work out more, and my school schedule because I don’t have time to do shoots.


Personal Values

Values are a person’s principles or standards of behavior. Their judgment of what is important in life. This article talks about the topic of how if values are freely chosen and are human beings driven by inherited instincts. I do agree with the fact that values can be freely chosen. But, there is a lot of pressure by peers, family members, and other people around you to adhere to a certain set of values. An example would be people who are heavily involved in a religious community. Religion teaches values that you are suppose to live your life by. If one of those values is broken, you have to potential to be ostracized or looked at in a different way by the people you associate with. This creates religion to have a lot of influence on what people do and how they act. I don’t think people are driven by inherited instincts. But I do think that people have the self preservation and sex drive programmed into them by genes. It all depends how people are brought up and how they go about life. For me, I try and be selfless as possible and put others before myself and try and be about the team and not the individual. But there are times when I want it to be about me or put myself before others and I have to combat that feeling. The sex drive is programmed as people were meant to have pleasure and reproduce. It’s a drive that is always there. It’s about how you control the programs that you inherited in your genes with the values that you choose to live your life by.

Here is a link to the original article:



I chose this article because I like streetwear clothes and BAPE is one of the companies that I follow. They are a unique clothing brand that has a style different from everyone else. The stores that they build around the world are appealing and an inspiration to gaze upon. This article creates value for me because I pay attention to a lot of different fashion brands and look at the new collections they put out each season. It’s awesome that the people of Taipei will have their BAPE store back to be able to shop again and gaze upon the beauty of their new store.

Here are some examples of their clothes: 

Here are some pictures of their stores:

Here is the Taipei store:

Here is a link to the original article