Tag: University of Utah

Meet our CPW Student Staff: Steve Rafuse, Project Coordinator

Originally from the Washington D.C. metro area, Steve received his B.S. in Economics from the University of Utah. A restless spirit at heart, Steve moved to Alaska where he spent the better part of ten years working seasonally as a naturalist guide. In the off season, he spent his time traveling abroad working as a freelance photographer. His journeys have taken him from the depths of the Caribbean Sea to the windswept plains of Patagonia. Steve is now a second year graduate student in the Master of Community and Regional Planning program at the University of Oregon. He is also a graduate fellow and project manager for the Community Planning Workshop. Steve is currently leading a CPW team working with The Eugene Water & Electric Board to develop a voluntary incentive program that rewards good land stewardship along the McKenzie River.

More about the Community Planning Workshop(CPW)