RARE Life Amidst COVID-19

By Tatiana Eckhart, Project Coordinator, Mid-Columbia Economic Development District

For many of us, COVID-19 has effectively turned life as we knew it upside down, shattering any sense of normalcy we previously had and utterly and completely changing the ways in which we operate in the world and interact with each other on a daily basis. For many of us, the story of COVID-19 has been one of hardship, loss, sacrifice, and quite frankly devastation, both in a financial and social sense, as millions of people lose their jobs and are unable to rely on traditional forms of comfort that were previously taken for granted, like the simple act of being able to get a hug. There is no doubt that the current situation is dire. But I think the story of COVID-19 is also one of resilience, of communities coming together to develop solutions to support its citizens and get businesses back up and running. From my own standpoint, I have been lucky enough to be part of the response effort in the Mid-Columbia region of Oregon, and I have honestly been blown away by the level of coordination and collaboration that has taken place across industry sectors in the region to develop a holistic approach to combating the virus and getting our communities back on their feet.

I am currently serving my second term with Mid-Columbia Economic Development District (MCEDD), an economic developmentally-focused organization that has played an instrumental role in the Columbia Gorge’s regional response. I feel extremely grateful to have been able to see firsthand how well things can go when people work together to find common solutions for the benefit of all members of the community. In March, MCEDD developed the Economic Resiliency Team, a group of more than 50 local stakeholders from Oregon and Washington convened by MCEDD and Oregon’s Regional Solutions program to help the Gorge respond and recover economically from the impacts of COVID-19. This group, which meets weekly, includes leaders and representatives from a variety of different sectors including public health, child care, economic development, Ports, business centers, Tribal representatives, and more. Each week this group gets together (virtually, of course) to discuss updates around state guidelines for reopening Oregon and highlight the immediate and longer term needs for industries in the region such as agriculture, tourism, healthcare, child care, etc. In this way we are able to directly learn about economic impacts and priority needs in the region from those on the ground facing these issues every day and provide immediate feedback to the state for support.

The collective effort by the group to develop a coordinated response in reopening has, in my opinion, been one of the primary reasons I feel confident that our region will be able to balance the need to reopen communities while protecting public health and not overwhelming our rural healthcare systems. In fact I think we’re in a much better position to begin reopening our communities than other areas in the state, and I attribute that belief to the specific approach the Mid-Columbia region has taken in joining forces across sectors to ensure that reopening our communities does not come at the cost of the safety and well-being for people living in the region. Although I am a tiny fish here in the Columbia, I am immensely proud to be a part of these efforts and be able to actively learn from experts about what organizations are doing to support their communities. Although we can’t forget that this is a time of peril for many, many people, in terms of my RARE experience I feel like I’ve learned as much in the past two months about organizational coordination and rural resilience as I did during my entire first year serving in RARE. I mean, talk about real-world experience! The level of resilience and determination to reopen things the right way that I have witnessed during these meetings has given me a renewed sense of confidence that the path of community development is the path for me. At the end of the day, the thoughtfully coordinated and open approach in creating partnerships across industry sectors has instilled in me new feelings of hope, inspiration, and the unwavering belief that if we put our differences aside and come to the table to work together, we absolutely have the power to affect change in our communities for the betterment of the collective whole.

Photo of the authorAbout the author, Tatiana Eckhart: Tatiana has BA’s in Sociology and Planning, Public Policy, and Management from the University of Oregon. She is originally from a tight-knit community in Hawaii and enjoys the sense of communal support that living in a small town provides. She loves exploring the great outdoors, especially hiking and camping, and has traveled to over a dozen countries! Tatiana is glad to be back in Oregon and serving in a rural region, learning new skills, and helping build strong sustainable communities.

The Importance of Relationships and Coordination

By Tatiana Eckhart, Project Coordinator, Mid-Columbia Economic Development District

In the past three months I think one of the most important things I have learned is the importance of relationships and coordination. Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, I saw through my work at MCEDD how strong relationships were the key to efficiently working with others and accomplishing set out tasks. Particularly in smaller, more rural communities, everything is based on the relationships and foundation of trust that are formed between officials, entities, and the community. And in the face of COVID-19, I have been lucky enough to see firsthand how coordination between agencies is having a direct impact on the level of support we’re able to provide communities throughout the region. Because of the efforts of MCEDD and other partners throughout the region, a coordinated team initiative has been developed in which local and state partners share information, resources, and updated news. Consequently there has been an increased capacity in the region to respond to the needs and worries of businesses and the community and get our region the help it needs.

Currently the biggest barrier in the way of my projects is the COVID-19 pandemic that has impacted all aspects of regular and working life in Oregon and the U.S. Due to the current outbreak, all Oregonians are under an executive order to shelter at home and all public meetings and events have been cancelled and/or banned. A large portion of my work entails engaging in in-person meetings with a variety of people from around Wasco County. This is now of course impossible, which has rendered some of my activities and projects unable to continue in the same manner as before. In order to keep moving forward with my projects, I will have to shift strategies to adapt to the new, socially distanced reality we have found ourselves in. In the coming months I anticipate engaging in virtual Zoom meetings and/or teleconference calls with a variety of project partners as we continue discussing project needs as a way to continue moving forward on projects and tasks that are able to still move forward under current circumstances.

I have always considered myself to be a pretty independent person. I generally carry the mindset of not wanting to bother anybody with my issues when there are people out there facing a lot worse situations than me. Well 2019 taught me the hard way why keeping it all inside wasn’t a good idea, especially in a situation as unique as ours, in which many of us have traveled hundreds of miles away from home to serve in a community we’ve never been in, in a brand new professional position. It’s okay to admit it: there is a lot of potential for things to go sideways. Wonky roommates, feelings of isolation and loneliness, harsh winters, a lack of people to relate to in our communities; there are a lot of ways in which we as RAREs can feel like we’re spiraling with no end in sight. I experienced at least a few of the above afflictions myself, but didn’t tell any of my other RAREs at the time. I thought, “Well, we’re all going through the same experience and everyone else is doing fine, so I should be too.” I’ve since realized that it’s unfair to myself for me to compare my own situation with my fellow RAREs. We’re all unique individuals after all. Keeping quiet didn’t help me in any way; in fact, it ended up exacerbating a lot of the personal turmoil I was going through.

I embarked on a second year of RARE because, despite the personal strife I went through, I really enjoyed my position in the realm of economic development and I knew I loved the RARE program and all the incredible opportunities it provides. As I began my journey as 2nd year RARE, I began opening up to my RARE friends from my first service term about some of the struggles I endured as a first-year RARE. I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I was met with nothing but empathy, kindness, and the offer to reach out if I ever needed to talk by more than a few of these amazing individuals. In almost an instant, all the turmoil I had felt inside for months dissipated into thin air. I realized that the fact that we all went through this experience together was the very reason these people, an entire community of friends I had developed over the last year, were the perfect individuals to open up to. They understood my frustrations and were able to lift me up out of the funk that I had been in much longer than I needed to be, if only I had reached out in the first place. Looking back now, it seems silly to me that I would keep everything to myself, especially with a group of individuals as caring and empathetic as RAREs. RARE is a network enriched by some of the most hard-working, caring, and special individuals I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. People join RARE because they care; care about the well-being of fellow humans, care about their local communities, and care about making the world a better place. These are my people.

Reflecting on my second RARE service term, so much has shifted for me in terms of what I bring to the table in discussions with other RARE participants. I’m much more open, honest, and unafraid to be forthright about some of things I’m going through. Particularly during this chaotic time of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have never been more grateful to have an entire community of support around me. And what a system of support it has been! Regular check-ins, virtual socializing, and regular communication with each other has defined the RARE member response to the current crisis, and I believe it’s a huge reason I haven’t felt as panicked as I might otherwise be about the pandemic. We may not talk for weeks, but I know that my community of RAREs are always there and always willing to look out for each other. And I just feel so, SO lucky to be a part of a community that is truly invested in the well-being and success of its members. The RARE family is real. In this wild experience that is the RARE program, being able to engage and openly express myself with RARE members and staff is like being in a community within a community. And I think that’s something pretty special.

Economic development work from home!

About the author, Tatiana Eckhart: Tatiana has BA’s in Sociology and Planning, Public Policy, and Management from the University of Oregon. She is originally from a tight-knit community in Hawaii and enjoys the sense of communal support that living in a small town provides. She loves exploring the great outdoors, especially hiking and camping, and has traveled to over a dozen countries! Tatiana is glad to be back in Oregon and serving in a rural region, learning new skills, and helping build strong sustainable communities.