Tag: Sacramento’s Child Protective Services

Meet our CPW Student Staff: Paul Hicks, Project Coordinator

University of Oregon, Master of Public Administration &

Community and Regional Planning Candidate 2013

Paul Hicks began work in Sacramento developing community engagement programs for disadvantaged youth. Following, Paul worked as Senior Program Associate to Sacramento’s Child Protective Services (CPS) Child Death Review team writing reports and recommendations on CPS performance to the Board of Supervisors.  Most recently, Paul was the Program Manager for service coordination with Sacramento Steps Forward, the Sacramento City/County partnership to end homelessness. Paul enjoys working on projects that require intense collaboration among partners and is most interested in fields related to social services, housing policy and the built environment. Currently, Paul is a Project Coordinator with the Community Service Center’s Community Planning Workshop. He is working with a team of graduate students to develop a network of business innovation support services that will support regional economic development through the ongoing commercialization of university research.

More about the Community Planning Workshop(CPW)