Meet CPW Student: Casey Hanson

Name:   Casey Hanson

Where were you born and where do you call home?
I was born in Virginia but I call Madison, Wisconsin my home.

Vanilla or chocolate ice cream?
Chocolate ice cream, with chocolate brownies, chocolate chips, and fudge. I love chocolate.

In which graduate program are you enrolled?
I am in the Master of Community and Regional Planning program. My interests are in water resource planning and management. I’m really fascinated about ways engineers and planners can work together to create a new future for our infrastructure.

What Community Service Center program(s) are you working with?
Community Planning Workshop (CPW) – This one!

What are you doing for the Community Service Center (CSC)?
I have been working with the City of Gold Hill and Oakridge (EPA/DEQ Water Quality) for almost a year to create a voluntary surface water management program in lieu of regulatory measures. So basically the city can take action to protect its rivers instead of having an ordinance dictate what can and can’t be done. Part of this plan includes developing low impact development code amendment recommendations so residents have the option to implement these practices if they are interested! If you are not familiar with low impact development, it is an approach that uses nature to manage stormwater instead of conventional “hard approaches.” Think of rain gardens or bioswales.

What are some of the outcomes are you hoping to gain when your project ends?
The voluntary program and low impact development code amendments were initially developed to help the cities satisfy their water quality requirements to the state. However, we are hoping that these cities find these products useful beyond just checking a box. We hope that they really engage the community in water quality issues. So far, the progress has been great. Gold Hill has begun implementing their program and has adopted some of the low impact development code amendments!

How does your involvement with the Community Service Center relate to or inform your education?
Ultimately I’d like to focus my career on water related issues. This is a perfect opportunity to give me real world experience while I’m still learning. I also get to work with different cities, which allows me experience different processes for the same issue.

What advice would you give to your younger self just beginning the CSC program?
Things won’t happen just because you are ready for them to happen. Things can’t be controlled when you think you can control them. You have to be patient, always be ready, and know there is no end point for knowing what you need to know.