Campus Wide Soap Dispenser Installations for 1/11/21

Due to issues in the supply chain and acquiring product, this project was postponed and is now ready to begin again next week.

Installations for 1/11/21:
Listed below are the buildings expected to be serviced Monday, January 11th, 2021.
Additional notification will be sent if installers are unable to finish on the projected date.

AAA North/Millrace/Wood Shop



Begin: Monday, November 9th, 2020

End: Friday, December 4th, 2020

Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Campus Wide Academic Buildings

Scope: The manufacturer is discontinuing our current soap refills, so we are transitioning to a different soap dispenser across the academic campus. Since this transition is manufacturer caused, they are providing the contractor to do the install at no cost to the university.

Services Impacted: Temporary access to soap dispensers in restrooms, labs, teachings spaces, and kitchenettes.

Extra Notes: Each install will only take a few minutes but there are thousands across campus.

Work Performed By: Home Depot Pro

Contact: Tim Winder, CPFM FS Custodial Services Manager, 541-346-5771