Building Occupants,
Over the next six months, construction activities in Pacific Hall will increase significantly.
To maintain a working environment for the building occupants, we are creating an 8-hour block of regular quiet(er) hours, Monday through Friday.
Once this time frame is established, weekends and off-hours can be expected to ramp up in disruption levels and will remain consistently noisy until the beginning of 2018.Because not all of us keep the same hours, we will put the actual time frame to a vote.
If you would like your voice to be counted, please visit the survey link below and enter your preference for:
9 am- 5pm
10 am – 6 pm
I encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Jen Miley
Science and Research Manager
Design and Construction
Campus Planning and Facilities Management
(317) 956-0640 | (541) 346-1530