The Clark Honors Introductory Program is a one-credit pass/no pass course that’s designed to welcome new students to the CHC (that’s you!), orient them, and provide them with a mentor and community to help ensure their success during their first year here. CHIP leaders design and lead the CHIP. That means that even though the goals of all CHIPs are the same, the subjects covered are wildly different. Be sure to read the course descriptions before signing up so you get a CHIP that suits your interests! Some CHIPs are also residential, meaning that you will be living with other students in your CHIP in a residence hall and your CHIP leader will also probably double as your RA.

Another important thing to note is, the CHIP leader is advised by a faculty member, who is also the adviser for the students in that CHIP for the duration of their time at the CHC. (You can, of course, go to any other faculty member as well.) CHIP Leaders are great resources to utilize for advice as well!

Note that any information found here is provided in an unofficial capacity. The writing herein is not produced or necessarily endorsed by the organizations they are about. Instead, they are introductory blurbs written to provide a basic understanding of commonly-used terms and concepts.

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