University of Oregon

Install These Workflow Tools

Workflow Tools

sublime-text-browser-refresh-1qkpos2Install Workflow Tools

Always go to the developers’ web site first to download software. Avoid third-party websites.

CIS 111 System Requirements

Note to Windows Users: You will need Windows 7 or higher.

Note to Mac Users: You will need OS X 10.8 or higher. Make sure you install software apps in your Applications folder, not in your Downloads folder or anywhere else. After downloading, double-click the .dmg installer, then drag the app’s icon to your Application folder in the Finder or in the installer itself(they both do the same thing).

Complete these Steps Before Week 1:

  1. Install Chrome, a cross-platform web browser with built-in WebDev Tools.
    Learn how to access Chrome DevTools using your operating system’s keyboard commands (option-command-j for OS X, and control-shift-j, or F12, for Windows).
  2. Download and Install Sublime Text 2.
  3. Install Sublime Text Packages.
  4. Download, install, and configure CyberDuck. Cyberduck is the recommended SFTP client for 111, but there are alternate SFTP clients, too.
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