University of Oregon

Week 11

WebAppDev 111


This week: Project grades, Office Hours on Tuesday, Final exam…



At this point all project grades have been entered.  Please check your grades and stop by during Tuesday’s office hours if you have questions.

Office Hours

Tuesday 4:30-6pm, Science Library, Room B008

Final Exam

The final exam is at 8:00am on Wednesday, June 8th, LLCS 101.

The Final Exam Review and Instructions document is available in Canvas.

A practice final exam is available in Canvas.

You need your student ID to take the final.

Week 10

WebAppDev 111


This week: Date Object, Regular Expressions, Makeup project, Final review…


  • Ch. 5 Study Guide: Date and RegExp objects
  • Strings are read-only arrays of characters. Instead of accessing individual characters with the charAt() method, you can use square brackets [].
  • String Methods

Examples from Class

Review for Final Exam

The final exam is at 8:00am on Wednesday, June 8th, LLCS 101.

The Final Exam Review and Instructions document is available in Canvas.

A practice final exam is available in Canvas.

We will review for the final in class on Tuesday and Thursday this week.

Optional Makeup Project

Due 9pm, Friday 6/3.  Available in Canvas.  This project’s score can be used to replace one of your Project 1-4 scores.  This project’s score cannot be used to replace your Project 5 score.

Week 9

WebAppDev 111



Objects, JSON, jQuery, DOM…


Application of DOM and jQuery to create a mobile web app.


  • Ch. 5 Study Guide: JSON, Date, RegExp, objects
  • Strings are read-only arrays of characters. Instead of accessing individual characters with the charAt() method, you can use square brackets [].
  • String Methods

Examples from Class

Review for Final Exam

The final exam is at 8:00am on Wednesday, June 8th, LLCS 101.

The Final Exam Review and Instructions document is available in Canvas.

A practice final exam will be available in Canvas on Thursday.

We will review for the final in class on Tuesday/Thursday of week 10.

Project 5

Due 9pm, Fri 5/27. Available in Canvas.

Optional Makeup Project

Due 9pm, Fri 6/3. Available in Canvas

Week 8

jQM-27pw5n8-150x150WebAppDev 111

Week 8 covers all of JavaScript’s built-in objects (ch. 5) and a special object called the DOM (ch. 6).

A concise definition of JavaScript’s six fundamental types (fromJavaScript: The Definitive Guide).

Note that all primitive types are immutable (cannot be changed).


Examples from Class

Project 5

Due 2100 Fri 5/27. Available in Canvas.

Optional Makeup Project

Due 2100 Fri 6/3. Available in Canvas.

Optional Web Field Trips

Week 7

jquery-javascript Web Apps 111

Week 7 will cover Objects, jQuery,

and Project 4.


Examples from Class

Midterm Results

Avg:  106/150 = 67.6%

High Score: 155/150 = 103.33%

Low Score:    30/150 =  20.00%

90% (A): 135/150 - 11 students
80% (B): 120/150 - 16 students
70% (C): 105/150 - 15 students 
60% (D): 90/150  - 16 students
0..59% (N): < 90/150 - 28 students

The grade you are currently on track for is available in Canvas.

  • If you are concerned about the letter grade you might receive in this course, then you should change your grading option to P/N, while there is still time to do so. May. 15 is the last day to change grade options.
  • If you scored 90/150 or below, dropping the course may be the best way to avoid a low or failing grade. May. 15 is the last day to drop a class (mark of “W” recorded)

If you are concerned about your grade, see your instructor this week to discuss your options.

Starting next week there are no options (zero).

Project 4: Due 9pm Fri 5/13

Requirements Document available in Canvas.

Optional Web Field Trips

Week 6

Pasteur-quote-251fdko Week 6: Midterm Exam

The midterm exam is in class on Thur 5/5.

Review materials are available in Canvas.


WebAppDev 111

Objects are JavaScript’s sixth and final type.


Preview of next week – weekend reading 🙂


Examples from Class

Project 4: Due 9PM, Fri 5/13

Project 4 Requirements Document available in Canvas by Tuesday 5/3.

Optional Web Field Trips

Week 5


JavaScript 111

Week 5 covers functions, loops, arrays, strings, and random numbers.


Examples from Class

Project 3: Due 9PM 4/26

The Project 3 Requirements Document is available in Canvas.

Optional Web Field Trips

Week 4

whileJavaScript 111

Week 4 covers
control structures
(conditionals, loops),
and introduces a data
structure (arrays).




  • Ch. 3 Study Guide
  • Ch. 4 Study Guide

Examples from Class

Project 3: Due 4/22 9pm XC, 4/26 9pm FC

The Project 3 Requirements Document is available in Canvas.


Optional Web Field Trips

Week 3


A function is a reusable block of code that has a name and performs a specific task.

(Think, “Lego”.)

Flow of Control: Which statement gets executed next?

Control Structures: A) Sequence; B) Selection; C) Iteration and/or function calls.

Required Reading

  1. Ch. 2 Study Guide, Boolean operators (41-45)
  2. Logic operators and truthiness
  3. Ch. 3 Study Guide, Selection (69-72)
  4. Ch. 4 Study Guide, Functions (pp. 82-89)
  5. Variables
    1. Declaration, Assignment
    2. Scope
    3. Hoisting
  6. Numbers
    1. JavaScript Numbers
    2. JavaScript Number Methods
    3. JavaScript Math Object
  7. Strict Mode


Project 2: Due 2100 (9PM) on Fri 4/15 XC, Tue 4/19 FC

Optional Web Field Trips

Week 2

code-c-o-d-e-taqwoj-150x150JavaScript: Truth && Consequences

This week, more JavaScript basics: types, variables, boolean logic…

…then logic and control.

“If ifs were fifths, we’d all be drunk.”  –Anon.


Required Reading

  1. Command-Line JavaScript
  2. Ch. 2 Study Guide
  3. Strict Mode, and Switching it On
  4. Variables in Strict Mode
  5. typeof().  Example: typeof(prompt('enter a number')) => String

Examples from Class

To download examples from Github, click the file name to open it on Github, then right-click the Raw button and choose Save Link As..

Project 2: Due 2100 Fri 1/22

Available W 1/13 in Canvas.

Optional Web Field Trips

  1. The first website went online 25 years ago. Tim Berners-Lee’s first World Wide Web page flickered to life at CERN on Dec. 20, 1990.
  2. The one-l NUL, the two-ll null and the three-l nulll. (See also: ASCII table)
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