Current Works in Progress

Walk of Fame

This map diagrams important intersections and building in reference to site location. As can be seen, the site is located along Hollywood Blvd adjacent to the historical Pantages Theater and high-end W Hotel. Continuing down the walk of fame only … Continue reading

Draft Thesis Statement

Hollywood, California has been the center for the film and entertainment industry since the 1930′s due to its idyllic climate. From the first broadcasts in sunny Southern California, the city has scintillated as a place where talented actors/actresses, musicians, and … Continue reading


Works Cited Department of City Planning. Web. 17 Oct. 2011. <>. The City of Los Angeles’ Department of Planning has adopted a new community development plan for the Hollywood district. The city website published a pdf document of over 200 … Continue reading

Thesis Site Selection

Appeal for a Site in the Los Angeles Area over Portland pilot EcoDistricts I love studying in Portland because it is such a beautiful city where EcoDistrict initiatives are already established. Portland in general has a great history of planning … Continue reading

Assignment #2: Sculptural Inspiration

This quick model depicts a living waste water treatment strategy involving a constructed wetland. I found inspiration through the Sidwell Friends School designed by Kieran Timberlake. The architectural firm successfully handles waste water treatment on-site and creates a beautiful spatial … Continue reading

Organism study

Ecodistricts scintillate a wide range of conversation in architectural communities across the globe; however, there are few examples demonstrating what that actually means. Portland is a great place to investigate when observing sustainable building strategies, as it headquarters many successful … Continue reading

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