Current Works in Progress

Concept Sketch: Building Elevation

Due to the horizontal nature of my site and a shift in scale from east to west, my building form needs to express the stretch from single-story retail to the high density of the W Hotel. In this north elevation, … Continue reading

Reflection from the Site Design Process

What I have learned from this week is that my project concept has become somewhat convoluted. I have done a very thorough analysis of Hollywood in relation to my site and much larger connections. Through extensive programming I began to … Continue reading

Reflection on Bio-strucutre work

Beginning the first design term by looking at a micro scale was a very uncommon task. Usually, designers start from the bottom up, meaning that we work through the larger issues before considering the details. However, I found this exercise … Continue reading

Starting by looking at Biomimicry at a MICRO scale in terms of Bio-structure

Filed under: Current Works in Progress, Thesis

Thesis Pre-Design Booklet

Thesis Booklet Pre-Design[Winter]
Filed under: Current Works in Progress, Thesis Preparatory Research

Ryan Gibson McDaniel 2011-11-22 06:46:26

Filed under: Current Works in Progress, Thesis Preparatory Research

Video Projection, adaptive signage

Filed under: Current Works in Progress, Thesis Preparatory Research


Filed under: Current Works in Progress, Thesis Preparatory Research


Filed under: Current Works in Progress, Thesis Preparatory Research


Filed under: Current Works in Progress, Thesis Preparatory Research

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