Updated Pitch
Updated Pitch
This pitch was used in my last design review and contains all up to date information on my research.
Assignment – 1: Design with Nature
Happy 2013! It’s a new term and thanks to a nice long 4 week break I am refreshed and reignited, ready to finish this last thesis studio on a strong note. For our first project this term, we had to study our site’s ecosystem and then find an organism that has adapted and survived the environment for a very long time. […]
Assignment – 8: Final Booklet
Located below is my final booklet that I used for my Thesis research presentation. I received very good feed back from the many people that showed up. My key takeaway is the site consideration and replacing my residential tower to an office tower for the sake of making the South Waterfront more lively. I plan on making more progress […]
Assignment – 7: Precedents
For our seventh assignment we were commissioned to find three precedents that related to our building in programatic and aesthetic ways. I decided to go with the JNC Community Arts Center, the Tempe Center of the Arts and the Oslo Opera House. They all tell a lot about how to be successful in creating a vibrant space that fosters cultural growth and more importantly art. I diagrammed them each in a simple way […]
Assignment – 6: Symbology & Cinema
For this weeks assignment we were commissioned to do two different approaches that would help us understand our site while also being able to relate to each other in a way that will help enhance our understanding. The first part was to create 6 story board elements about the space and how it is perceived It was a very […]
Assignment – 5: Representing Site
As Architecture students we all know how to “talk the talk” with each other and in an academic sense that is helpful for learning and building up new knowledge about the world of architecture. However in our initial stages of design and understanding of program and site, creating a story is a very helpful way to gain […]
Assignment – 4: Thesis Booklet 1.0
Thesis Statement: My overarching goal for my thesis project is to bring vibrant life to the South Waterfront. After visiting the site a couple times I have come to the conclusion that although the South Waterfront is a new Ecodistrict, it lacks the quality of culture that makes Portland as a whole such an attractive […]
Assignment – 3: Site Interpretation
Material Site Interpretation For our next assignment, we put to the task of interpreting our specific site in a way that is easily understood yet still conceptual. The site I have chosen is the South Water front. How I choose to interpret it was through a physical word cloud. I looked at the site and split […]
Assignment – 2: Bibliography
Yeang, Ken. The Green Skyscraper: The Basis for Designing Sustainable Intensive Buildings. Munich: Prestel, 1999. Print. I choose this book because I interested in taking my green design up into the skies. My plan now is to create a mixed use building that takes advantage of the natural beauty in the south waterfront site. “EcoDistricts.” EcoDistricts. Portland […]