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Site Impressions

The South Waterfront EcoDistrict has some issues in connectivity to the rest of Portland. First of all, Interstate 5 to the west acts as a solid barrier, disconnecting the Goose Hollow neighborhood and hills from the district. The Ross island … Continue reading

Thesis Statement and Project Description

Thesis Statement:

Following World War 2 America began to abandon their city downtowns and dense streetcar suburbs for the open spaces beyond the city’s edge. Postwar suburban development expanded to overrun the outlying small towns and the surrounding forests and farmland. This style of development was designed around the automobile and so highways were built […]

Assignment 4: Thesis Booklet 1.0

Thesis statement? In many cities, there is an increasing need for an efficient, sustainable lifestyle and natural relief. Portland is no exception. Portland offers many parks and relatively efficient public transportation, but many of its sub districts require some enhancement. For example, South of Market St near PSU is a … Continue reading


THESIS STATEMENT: In the wake of the economic recession politicians and planners alike are struggling to rebuild the American economy with concerted efforts placed on job creation and security.  Among the cutbacks and austerity measures, urban planners are now looking to unleash the latent potential of our cities as the determining factor for economic growth.  A healthy […]

Site Analytics – Threads

James Corner, a landscape architect (or, re-designer of the public realm), has a way of classifying aspects of an environment as nodes, threads, and mats. Nodes are centers of activity, where some sort of critical mass of human activity occurs … Continue reading

Narrative on Thesis Progression

As of this very moment, the focus of my thesis is this question:  how can we (architects) foster sustainable behavior through design?  This has been a question I have been asking myself for a very long time and I came to the conclusion that no matter how great the architecture, if the people inhabiting it or experiencing […]

Thesis: Where Interest and Opportunity (Hopefully) Meet


This is tough, in the typical design studio you’re given a site and program and off you go; some personal desires and “style” make their way in but your design process is a small slice in the overall set of decisions that shape this landscape. In contrast is our thesis which ideally should serve […]

Assignment 3


Assignment 2

Annotated Bib

How does an Ecodistrict fit into a City?


This concept model represents the ideal of how an Ecodistrict, such as Lents, would ideally fit within a city and the greater region. I’ve found it most helpful to think of the district literally as an ecosystem that is as entwined within the existing natural ecosystem as much as possible. Every new […]

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