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This weeks reading allowed me to re-consider the traditional birds eye view of experiencing a place via satellite imagery and shift towards the process of mapping as a form of relaying place identity.  In the James Corner reading, mapping closely aligns with the systems thinking of eco-district development where he writes, “the interrelationships amongst things […]

Assignment 5:Representing Site

In architecture, a successful design is one that has a compelling story behind it. To create the story, there is a need for in-depth knowledge of the site: The history and the existing factors such as nearby parks, public transportation, and building use. This information should be translated into diagrams. … Continue reading

Representing the Site

On my third blog post, I mentioned the concept of layering and I decided to create a site representation utilizing it.  Below are images of a model that represent alternative modes of transportation besides the automobile, that people are able to take.  Key for understanding the site interpretation:  bottom white layer = site location, blue […]

Multi-Scalar Commerce

How can architecture contribute to the sustained economic prosperity of a neighborhood, city and region? This is a tough question that depends on precise metrics and quantitative analysis. To push the narrative of my thesis closer to reality, I am … Continue reading

Program Ideas 5 | 10

While continuing my investigations and piecing together information of the Lloyd District, a couple overlying issues have come to my attention: 1) identity of district 2) definition of site 3) sharing of resources. Expanding upon these ideas, it has been stated by articles and people alike, that the area lacks a defined identity – lloyd […]

Architecture as a Catalyst for Change

  Architecture as a Catalyst for Change Currently, with only 4% of the world’s population, the United States accounts for 25% of the worlds CO2 emissions. This is due in large part to the standard of living most Americans don’t … Continue reading

Assignment – 5: Representing Site

As Architecture students we all know how to “talk the talk” with each other and in an academic sense that is helpful for learning and building up new knowledge about the world of architecture.  However in our initial stages of design and understanding of program and site, creating a story is a very helpful way to gain […]

Assignment – 4: Thesis Booklet 1.0

Thesis Statement: My overarching goal for my thesis project is to bring vibrant life to the South Waterfront.  After visiting the site a couple times I have come to the conclusion that although the South Waterfront is a new Ecodistrict, it lacks the quality of culture that makes Portland as a whole such an attractive […]

Lectures 4 | 10

For this post I want to talk a little about some of the people, firms and organizations I have gone to regarding EcoDistricts both in the class and individually. I think it is important to touch base on what I have taken from these visits as I feel they are not just pertinent to the […]

Assignment – 3: Site Interpretation

Material Site Interpretation For our next assignment, we put to the task of interpreting our specific site in a way that is easily understood yet still conceptual.  The site I have chosen is the South Water front. How I choose to interpret it was through a physical word cloud.  I looked at the site and split […]

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