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Potential Programs

I have been considering two options for potential building programs for the South Waterfront.One of those options in a physical rehabilitation center. The presence of OHSU seems to make this an ideal site for a program relating to health and healing. C…

A Background Lesson

Experiment and Create

In order to start investigating concepts and future design guidelines I wanted to experiment with making something not only to test out material relationships but also to just create something with my hands. Too many times in studios I get … Continue reading

Idea Mapping

Idea Map I created a list of words that I though could help shape and inform my project as a way to develop continuity throughout my designing process. Once I had a nice collection of words, I found images to … Continue reading

‘Potential Site And Exploring The Program’

Good Morning fellas…. Here I am writing my 2nd blog. After posting my 1st blog I realized, it was just informative essay and little bit boring. So I have decided to be more proactive about my blog and trying to make it interesting and interactive. I would like to have your comments and discussions on […]

Initial Site Diagrams and Concept Model

I have chosen the south waterfront as my future design site. Here are a few diagrams which I thought would be helpful for design decisions.The site is very much connected to OHSU, which facilitates and nurtures life, and I am very interested in the use…

Artistic Site Interpretation

I intend to incorporate water into the project in numerous ways and for a number of reasons.  The site I choose is just about as close as one can get to the Willamette without being in it, so why not incorporate its beauty and power in an interesting (but undecided) way. I choose to create […]

Assignment #2: Sculptural Inspiration

This quick model depicts a living waste water treatment strategy involving a constructed wetland. I found inspiration through the Sidwell Friends School designed by Kieran Timberlake. The architectural firm successfully handles waste water treatment on-site and creates a beautiful spatial … Continue reading

Homework 3: Site Interpretation

Focusing on the existing sites south east of the intersection of Grand and Broadway within the Lloyd district I created this model to diagram a few main factors of this area.

1) To the southwest the Willamette River flows north. &…


I approached this assignment slightly differently than intended because I am still unsure of what site I would like to use and what type of building I will be designing. I used the assignment as an exploration; a way to answer questions that I still had about the project and the interaction between “green and […]

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