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View Across River Toward the Site

Development Plans

These mapping diagrams were taken from the Lloyd District Development Strategy created by the Portland Development Commission in 2001. The analysis shows what attractions are existing currently versus what areas need improvement or have building opportunities in the near future. The Central Core is the area identified at the center of the district, where my […]


I looked closely at two resources, This American Life and Space Syntax. What I enjoyed about looking at these sites, and what I think makes them compliment each other well, is the way in which they both capture a variety of ways mapping can be used. This American Life, Mapping, episode 101, begins by emphasizing […]

Representing Site

Bosselmann’s book “Representation of Places” argues that the most important way a city is experienced is as a sequence of spaces.  In particular, this sequence often happens through the street scape.  For example, he utilized a se…

Geographic Context

These Google Earth Images show the larger geographical context in which I wish to respond. I hope to find ways to connect to the natural ecology and residential typology of the hillside leading into Hollywood.  Since the site is fairly … Continue reading

Lloyd District Site Diagrams

In trying to employ a certain diagramming method, I looked towards MVRDV’s techniques in capturing a site’s essence from many perspectives. MVRDV’s diagrams …

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Night Life/Entertainment Amenities

This map displays the nightlife amenities in relative distance from site. It is clear that there are many amenities immediately surrounding the site, making it a viable place to establish a night club, entertainment museum, or housing. The map also … Continue reading


This map shows just how large the parking lots are and how they have spread throughout Hollywood Blvd. The areas dedicated to open parking lots greatly inhibit connectivity within the immediate community and result in asphalt deserts. If these parking … Continue reading


These two diagrams are done in a different style trying to convey ideas in a less analytical way.
Bounding Elements of the Site

Possible Pedestrian Friendly/Green Connections

Site Analysis Diagrams

Here are a series of diagrams showing some of the site analysis work that I have done in a more simplified style. Aerial Image (I tried to reduce visual distractions by minimizing details and colors). Figure Ground Digram Figure Ground + Site Image Mapping the Trees Mapped Trees + Site Image  Public Transportation Public Transportation […]

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