Student Work

Student Work

ECS 1: Shading Devices

Environmental Control Systems 1 students research, design and build shading device models to reduce solar heat gain in the Prince Lucien Campbell office building on the University of Oregon campus.

ECS 1: Case Studies

Students in Environmental Control Systems 1 are given the opportunity to investigate building performance through a team research project; equipment from the Baker Lab plays a critical role in data collection and analysis.

ECS 2: Daylighting Models

For Environmental Control Systems 2, student teams are required to analyze the existing daylight conditions in a local building; using daylighting models and Baker Lab luminance meters, students propose alterations to enhance the daylight conditions.

ECS 2: Luminaires

This Environmental Control Systems 2 project calls for the design and fabrication of a luminaire to fulfill the needs of a specific electric lighting application and location.

Electric Lighting

This interior architecture class evaluates interior electric lighting in projects around the world, designs their own interior lighting scheme, and culminates in the design and fabrication of an LED luminaire.


Projects coming soon!