Entry NO. 15

Entry No. 15

17 February, 2014

Author: Josie Baldner



Taras Sgibnev

Colour Injector from Taras Sgibnev on Vimeo.

The Colour Injector Lamp was designed by Taras Sgibney to portray the way that three colors red, green, and blue (RGB) interact with each other in digital interfaces.

The lamp has three […]

Entry NO. 14

Entry No. 14

4 February, 2014

Author: Veronika Jonsson



Featuring In-Tenta | Sinato | Philips Lumiblade

OLEDs, also known as organic LEDs, work similarly to their LED namesake. When electrical current passes through the thin semiconducting materials that make up part of its construction, the […]

Entry NO. 13

Entry No. 13

10 November, 2013

Author: Veronika Jonsson



Lighting Design Collective | Silo 3468

Completed in the fall of 2012, Silo 468 is a lit urban art piece that engages its environment and provides a civic space for its community. Designed by the Lighting Design Collective based out […]

Entry NO. 12

Entry No. 12

25 October, 2013

Author: Ben Bye



Rowell Brokaw Architects | Luma Lighting Design

Eugene’s Hult Center for the performing arts recently underwent a lighting renovation in it’s lobby. The space was previously equipped with Fluorescent Light fixtures attached to the lobby ceiling, giving low lighting […]

Entry NO. 11

Entry No. 11

15 October, 2013

Author: Josie Baldner



Timo Arnall | JØrn Knutsen | Einer Sneve Martinussen

Immaterials was a photography project started in 2009. It explores the idea of capturing what wifi actually looks like in an urban setting. The project does this by setting up a long […]

Entry NO. 10

Entry No. 10

09 May 2013

Author: Wes Thompson


Philips “EnduraLED” wins Department of Energy’s L Prize

The US Department of Energy held the first ever government-sponsored technology competition called the L Prize, where they sought entries in lighting innovation. The challenge was to find the lowest energy bulb while maintaining quality of light, […]

Entry NO. 9

Entry NO. 9

23 April, 2013

Author: Ben Bye


Kunsthaus Graz

CRAB Studio | Cook Robotham Architectural Bureau

Last evening, Peter Cook of Archigram and CRAB Studio gave lectured at the University of Oregon. In his lecture, he highlighted his project for the Kunsthaus Graz. Built in 2003, the Kunsthaus Graz is a public […]

Entry NO. 8

Entry NO. 8

04 March 2013

Author: Ben Bye

Nature Trail

Jason Bruges Studio

Nature Trail is an installation for Great Ormond Street Hospital in london. The designers created an interactive LED Wallpaper system to the children’s wing of the hospital. At different levels of a tree scape wallpaper, embedded LED screens have interactive animal […]

Entry NO. 7

Entry NO. 7

01 March 2013

Author: Josie Baldner


Handmade School

Architects: Anna Heringer and Eike Roswag

The Handmade School was desiged to engage the local communiy to develope their skills and knowledge, in particular with local resources through the building process. It is built with localy sourced handmade bricks for the […]

Entry NO. 4

Entry NO. 4

30 Jan 2013

Author: Chris Smith


Sedus Stoll, a furniture manufacturer, has built itself a new building with a textile skin made of glass fiber fabric. Not surprisingly, the play on artificial and natural forms of light become really interesting. From Detail (issue 1+2/2013), “the facade is “suspended in front of […]