Form of the subject


                       Richard E. Artschwager is most infamously known for his work of sculpture pop art. His pieces were constructed out of industrialized materials in order to explore the subject mater of minimalism and conceptualism. Before his art career he studied biology, chemistry and mathematics at Cornell University and mentored with  Amedée Ozenfant one of the pioneers of abstraction. Artschwager devoted his time to making real furniture during the fifties. When a fire destroyed his loft factory in 1958, he again began to make art, drawing his vocabulary of forms and skill as a craftsman from his years of professional cabinetry. His work mainly explored levels of deception involved with pictorial illusion, that meaning objects weren’t just objects they possessed more validity on a conceptual level, there omnipresence was rectifiable, conceptual and artistically present; whether painted or sculpted. In the era of pop art his work focused on subject matter of popular culture and political issues associated with aspects of society and the necessity of art during the 1960’s and 70’s.

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