Technical Teaching Certificate

ARCH 661: A course for everyone


There are several in-class assignments and activities:

  • Roundtable Topical Discussion: small group discussion of issues that might arise related to teaching technical topics and/or handling discussion sections. Groups discuss the key issue and come up with several ways of resolving or handling the issue.
  • Teaching Moment: given a principle or concept from one of the technology areas in architecture (ECS, building construction, structures, or technical subjects), students prepare a .ppt, demonstration, or other teaching technique,  that will increase the understanding of the material and connect it to design.  The presentation is peer-critiqued for content and delivery.
  • Learning Style Inventory: the KLSI, the Kolb Learning Style Inventory was developed by David Kolb Ph.D. with research that began in 1971. It identifies phases in the learning process based on experiential learning theory. Students take the LSI to help students understand their unique learning preferences so that they can develop a well-rounded teaching approach to learning and problem-solving.
  • Jung/Myers Briggs Personality test:  helps to define your lifestyle, learning style, and specific areas of activity.
  • Resume/CV Critique: students will learn about resumes and CVs and preparing for a teaching job.

OUTSIDE of class assignments include:

Technical Teaching Evaluation: students will attend a lecture given by one of our technology faculty and evaluate content, delivery, and engagement using the Department of Architecture’s peer teaching evaluation form.

Reading Response:  After reading Ed Allen’s Notes to Myself, or another book on teaching, students will provide a reading response on a blog link.

2 Credits:  Your choice of a variety of assignments: a) slide set on concept; b) 30-minute activity, lesson plan for STEAM education in middle school;  c) Illustrated article on Simon Guy and Graham Farmer, “Reinterpreting Sustainability”; d) develop a lab section activity; and e) develop a new homework assignment.

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