by Annie | Nov 30, 2015 | teaching
Instead of the usual try these questions instead: Your insights into your learning in this course can help me see our course from your side of the desk. Please respond to any three of the statements below (more if you’d like). Submit these anonymously; I will use them...
by Annie | Nov 29, 2015 | rubrics, teaching
From the terrific librarians from Carleton College: Iris Jastram and Heather Tompkins present workshop at Oregon State University links to the material they used are in a google folder from the story above. They also mentioned the work done by the librarian at the...
by Annie | Nov 25, 2015 | teaching
Candice Benjes-Small wrote: “I’ve had a lot of luck assigning the reading “Coping with Couch Potatoes and Hitch hikers” to students and having them write a reflection on it based on their past group experiences. Then, we have a great...
by Annie | Oct 26, 2015 | teaching
I’m such a big fan of Project Information Literacy. So here is a round up of the things I find inspiring. Apparently students (and especially minorities) learn better if they know WHY they are doing an assignment. Here is more from the Transparency Project to...
by Annie | Aug 12, 2015 | teaching
Best practices in Screencasting: Meredith Farkas says use videos for conceptual overviews, step by step screenshots for instructions/how-tos. And then the whole mess...
by Annie | May 10, 2015 | teaching
His work on evaluating biology teachers that I’d like to investigate about possible transferability to what we teach. His teaching Practices Inventory: Includes articles about the inventory, a clean copy...