The Mathlete program chapter is published!

I am thrilled to announce that the chapter that I wrote with former math library student employee, Gen Schaack, about the Math Library student (AKA the Mathlete) program has been published. The book was edited by an impressive team at UNLV and showcases the rich...

Critically thinking about peer review

I’m starting here and mean to return: Touching on issues that I deal with when teaching about peer review and predatory publishing: Currently, I give students examples of popular and scholarly sources in hard copy, unbound format. I ask them to construct a grid...

Why active learning? part 1

For the beginner: I have gone so far down the path of figuring out how to use active learning effectively in a classroom that I was more than a bit taken aback recently. I had to defend the reasoning behind active learning for understanding material, for acquiring...

Pearling and footnote chasing

A recent post on Medical Libraries Discussion List suggests that this is yet another topic that might need a new article. I learned the following in library school. From the ever so clever Dr. Marcia Bates. footnote chasing (Bates, 1989) or backwards chaining (Ellis,...

Science Library Instruction Program pt. 2

Assessment: Curriculum mapping: UNLV’s terrific work on the topic is all here: I think of it as something more like the following, which I’ve applied to a specific UO department....