Lesson plan to come:

AI and you: how to use AI in your coursework

Topics to cover could include:

  1. Ethical considerations – do you want to use AI at all (environmental impacts, privacy concerns, working conditions of trainers, etc.)  – privacy = UO’s version of copilot [confirm that it works for students]
  2. Limitations of AI – what’s still not working and what may never work
  3. Can you use AI in your classes – how to determine if you’re allowed to use AI at all. (check your syllabus, check your assignment for language explicitly allowing or prohibiting it.)
  4. Prompts that should work for most situations (as long as you haven’t been forbidden from using it for anything at all)
  • Study skills: Ask me 5 questions about this material that could be on a test
  • Check logic and flow: Here is my essay so far, make a reverse outline of it. You can see if it’s following a logical flow of ideas.
  • Brainstorm: what are 5 (10) controversial topics in this area, write 5 titles for a paper about ___, make them puns

5. Check if this will work?

  • Making a citation
  • Finding sources
  • A search strategy to find articles/books about a topic

6. Tips for fact checking mis and disinformation – what are some things you can try to do to verify a source?

STEM version: tools that could help – from Oregon State [would look for update]

Social Sciences: some of those same tools, other ideas?

Humanities: work with Jeff and others on what could be useful here

Additional resources may include: https://libguides.library.arizona.edu/students-chatgpt/use

And similar