used August 2023 in ChatGPT 4.0 (your milage may vary!):
prompt: you are an academic librarian at a public research university look for themes in the comments I will paste when you tell me to begin. each comment is numbered consecutively. consider the different themes present and include the comment numbers. include all the comments.  the comments are from a survey about using library resources for anatomy and physiology students. tell me when to paste them.

ChatGPT: You may go ahead and paste the comments from the survey about using library resources for anatomy and physiology students. Once you do, I will analyze them to identify recurring themes, referencing the comment numbers for clarity.

prompt: copy pasted comments 1-59 from excel i.e.
4 i always just use google scholar
5 I appreciated that Librarian was teaching the material and have found it useful since.
6 I believe I was shown this in an honors college class as well and I’ve found it very helpful
7 I didn’t know the canvas link was a thing.

….[where AI placed the comments from above]….
Alternative Sources

  • Google Scholar and PubMed are often used as alternatives to library resources (Comments: 4, 23, 32, 42).

Teaching Effectiveness

  • Students appreciate the teaching and guidance provided for using library resources (Comments: 5, 6, 16, 17, 20, 21, 37, 38, 39, 41, 56).

Awareness and Discoverability of Library Resources

  • Students are not always aware of all the library resources available to them (Comments: 1, 7, 18, 27, 39).