- Ask students/audience to answer:
1. What was the main point? 2. What is a question you still have/might ask as follow up? 3. What would you recommend to take it [presentation/pitch/etc.] to the next level?
or Summarize, Question, Improve = SQI (or squee! because this is so much fun!) - Have all students write down 2 things they liked and something they thought could be improved on or “take it to the next level.”
- Call on three different students after each presentation – two give compliments and one gives a suggestion for improving/asks a remaining question. You can either figure out an order or use random call to keep students paying attention.
- All students write one thoughtful question they would like to ask. Then, the presenting student(s)/group chooses one classmate/group to ask their question and then the presenter(s) responds to it.
- TAG sheet with three items: Tell them something you liked. Ask them something that was unclear. Give advice for next time. All students they must offer all three items (no picking and choosing).
- List three things that went well, 3 things to change. (Asking for 3 is usually hard, 1-2 come quickly, but finding a 3rd can take time). Can also add 3 things that didn’t go well. Presenters (for reflection) and audience can all do this.