Before class:
Head to class early and chat, engage students, use a slide to have students write something in chat (something good this week, something you liked from last class, ….),
From Elly Vandegrift : I’m also using video webcams when the zoom starts so there’s something on the screen when people log in. One of my current ones: Osprey cam at U of Oregon (3 babies in the nest right now) and Monterey bay aquarium
lightening review of previous class
Pictionary-style activity to generate ideas – could you use
empathy exercise related to content
show and tell – have students bring something to show to rest of class
put something in a box and have students guess (a la 20 questions)
Exact Instructions Challenge (google it)
Start and/or end of the day wrap-up/reflection ideas:
1 minute essays: prompts might include: what’s still unclear, what’s the muddiest point from today, what will you do next, what will you use for your _____ (assignment, homework, prep for tomorrow), during the 1st day/lesson/class, I remember thinking…., because….; what I think I will remember in 3 years is…, because….
Circle, square, triangle:
Square: something I learned that squares with my beliefs
Circle: A question going around in my head
Triangle: Three points I will remember
Circle: An idea that is sticking around and I’ll use again
Triangle: Connecting 2 new points with something I knew before
Square: 4 questions I have about the lesson
Popcorn: go around the room quickly, each person answers a question/prompt (or can pass), can be similar to 1 minute essay:
What’s unclear, what was your favorite part of today, what will you use for your…., what was new, what was frustrating, what is your next step, check-in, etc.
I give everyone 30 seconds – 1 minute to think of how they will answer before going around the room
Variations: You can’t repeat what someone else said (so they have to track and remember)
Name 5 things you can touch right now
Name 4 things you can see right now
Name 3 things you can hear right now
Name 2 things you can smell right now
Name 1 thing you will do next…
3 things you learned today, 2 things you still need to do, 1 question you have, etc.
3 things that are clearer to students regarding the day’s topic or concept
2 connections they have made between a new concept and their prior knowledge or experience
1 question/piece that needs further clarification
Mind dump/recall: ~5-10 minutes
Put everything away, take out 1 piece of paper/new blank document. Write down everything you remember from the day/lesson/morning/afternoon.
Main idea: what was the main idea from the day
Process: describe a process step-by-step from beginning to end:
i.e. using a pipeline to….; what are the steps to submit a job to the queue…, etc.
[could also use this to start class, ask them to write down the steps from something they did yesterday and something you want them to do that day, predict the steps and then compare their prediction with what they actually did.]
Summarize: using the daily schedule, summarize what you covered/have students summarize what was covered. Start class: have students take a few minutes to list what happened the previous class!
pubmed process:
in 6 steps describe how you get an article from PubMed to use in your lab report
Think about a research project/lab report you have done. What steps did it involve from beginning to end?
progressive stacking online: put a * at the beginning of your comment if you identify as a POC.